Military Sexual Trauma Attorneys

At Veterans Benefit Group, we understand that the impact of Military Sexual Trauma (MST) is extensive and can be deeply devastating. Veterans who have experienced MST may struggle with a wide range of mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Additionally, physical health problems can emerge, often exacerbated by the intense stress and trauma of the experience. The stigma and shame associated with MST can make it extraordinarily difficult for survivors to come forward, which further complicates their ability to access the essential services and support they need. Understanding the profound impact of MST is critical to addressing the needs of survivors effectively.

We are committed to supporting veterans through every challenge they face, including the invisible wounds of MST. MST is a serious issue affecting veterans of all genders, sexual orientations, and backgrounds. It can encompass a range of experiences, including sexual assault, harassment, or repeated sexual advances that occur during active duty or training. These experiences can have a profound and lasting impact on a veteran’s life. Veterans Benefit Group is dedicated to helping you access the support and compensation you’ve earned through your service.

The VA and MST Claims

Unfortunately, veterans who have experienced any form of MST are not automatically entitled to VA disability benefits. To qualify for benefits, the veteran must demonstrate they have developed a diagnosable condition as a result of the trauma. 

The VA recognizes the profound impact MST can have on a veteran’s life and has established certain policies to assist survivors in their claims. For instance, the VA does not require that MST be reported at the time of the incident to be eligible for benefits. This is crucial, as many victims do not report the trauma when it occurs due to fear of retaliation or shame. The VA also accepts a broad range of evidence to substantiate MST claims, including behavioral changes, records from counseling or health clinics, and statements from family members or fellow service members.

Filing an MST Claim

Initially, the veteran must establish a direct connection between their MST experience and their military service. This typically requires documentation like personal statements that describe the MST experience and its impact on their life. Additionally, medical and mental health evaluations are usually necessary to substantiate the claim. 

In addition to personal statements, supporting evidence such as medical and mental health records is crucial. These records help establish the link between the MST and the veteran’s current health conditions. The VA may also request evaluations from medical and mental health professionals to further substantiate the claim. These evaluations assess the extent of the veteran’s physical and mental health issues related to the MST and provide crucial documentation to support the claim.

Veterans Benefit Group is Here for You

If you have experienced MST, you are not alone. Many veterans struggle with the aftermath of these experiences, and Veterans Benefit Group is here to fight for your rights. We understand the emotional toll MST can take and are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where you can share your story. Contact us today for a free evaluation to discuss your MST claim. Together, we can navigate the VA system and ensure you receive the support and compensation you’ve earned through your service.