Service Connection Attorneys

Veterans Benefit Group understands the sacrifices you’ve made for our country. You deserve to receive all the benefits you’re entitled to, especially when your disability is a direct result of your military service. Unfortunately, navigating the VA claims process for service connection can be complex and frustrating. Our experienced team of veteran benefit attorneys can help you secure the compensation you deserve.

What is a Service-Connected Disability?

A service-connected disability is a medical condition or injury that you can prove arose from your time in the military. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers disability compensation to veterans with service-connected disabilities. The amount of compensation you receive is based on the severity of your disability, as determined by a disability rating system.

Common Service-Connected Disabilities

Many different conditions can qualify as service-connected disabilities. Some of the most common include:

  • Physical injuries: This includes combat wounds, injuries sustained during training exercises, and musculoskeletal conditions caused by carrying heavy equipment.
  • Mental health conditions: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression are just a few of the mental health conditions that can be service-connected.
  • Exposure to hazardous materials: Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange, burn pits, or other toxins may qualify for disability benefits for conditions like cancer and respiratory problems.

The Service Connection Process

To receive VA disability compensation for a service-connected disability, you must establish a service connection. This means you need to prove that your disability is more likely than not related to your military service. The VA will consider several factors when making this determination, including:

  • Medical documentation: This includes military medical records, private medical records, and any other evidence that shows the existence and severity of your disability.
  • A nexus letter: A nexus letter is a written statement from a qualified medical professional who can opine on the connection between your disability and your military service.
  • Your service history: The VA will review your military records to determine where and when you served, and what exposures or events you may have experienced that could have caused your disability.

How Veterans Benefit Group Can Help

The VA claims process can be complex and time-consuming. Veterans Benefit Group can help you navigate every step of the way, including:

  • Gathering evidence: We will help you gather the necessary medical records, service records, and other documentation to support your claim.
  • Obtaining a nexus letter: We can work with a qualified medical professional to obtain a nexus letter on your behalf.
  • Preparing and filing your claim: We will ensure your claim is filed correctly and includes all the necessary documentation.
  • Appealing a denied claim: If your claim is denied, we will help you understand your appeal rights and guide you through the appeals process.

Don’t Wait to Get the Help You Deserve

If you are a veteran with a disability that you believe is service-connected, don’t wait to get the help you deserve. Contact Veterans Benefit Group today for a free case evaluation. We are committed to helping veterans secure the benefits they’ve earned.