Veteran Claims Appeals Attorneys

Veterans Benefit Group understands the frustration that can come with a denied VA disability claim. You served your country, and you deserve the compensation you’re entitled to for service-connected disabilities. Our experienced team of veteran benefit attorneys can help you navigate the VA claims appeals process and fight for the benefits you deserve.

Understanding VA Claims Appeals

The VA claims process allows for appeals if your initial claim for disability compensation is denied. There are several levels of appeal, each with specific deadlines and procedures. Veterans Benefit Group can guide you through each stage of the appeals process, including:

  • Request for Decision Review (RDR): This is the first step in the appeals process. An RDR asks a senior reviewer within the VA to re-examine your original claim and decision.
  • Notice of Disagreement (NOD): If your RDR is denied, you can file a Notice of Disagreement (NOD) to initiate a formal appeal with a Veterans Law Judge (VLJ) at the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA).
  • Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA): The BVA is an independent body within the VA that reviews appeals from NODs. The BVA can schedule a hearing to allow you to present your case in person.
  • Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC): If your appeal is denied at the BVA level, you have the right to appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC). The CAVC is the highest court specializing in veterans’ benefits and reviews decisions made by the BVA.

Preparing a Strong Appeal

A successful appeal hinges on a well-documented case that strengthens the connection between your disability and your military service. Veterans Benefit Group can assist you with:

  • Gathering New Evidence: New medical records, a nexus letter from a qualified medical professional, or witness statements can bolster your case.
  • Legal Arguments: Our attorneys understand complex VA regulations and can craft persuasive legal arguments to support your appeal.
  • Appeals Representation: We can represent you throughout the appeals process, ensuring you meet deadlines and effectively present your case.

Important Time Limits for Appeals

There are strict time limits for filing appeals at each stage of the VA claims process. Missing these deadlines can significantly impact your ability to win your case. Veterans Benefit Group can ensure your appeal is filed on time and meets all necessary requirements.

Taking Action with Veterans Benefit Group

If you’ve been denied VA disability compensation, don’t give up on the benefits you deserve. Contact Veterans Benefit Group today for a free consultation. Our team of experienced veteran benefit attorneys is dedicated to helping veterans fight for their rightful compensation.