VA Disability Compensation Claims & Appeals Attorneys

Veterans Benefit Group understands the challenges veterans face in securing the VA disability compensation they deserve. Service-connected disabilities can significantly impact your quality of life, and the VA claims process can be complex and frustrating. Our team of experienced veteran benefit attorneys is dedicated to helping veterans navigate the system and secure the maximum compensation they’re entitled to.

VA Disability Compensation Explained

The VA offers disability compensation to veterans with service-connected disabilities. These are medical conditions or injuries that arose from your military service. The severity of your disability is determined by a disability rating system, which translates into a monthly compensation amount.

Types of VA Disability Claims

Veterans Benefit Group can assist with various VA disability claims, including:

  • Initial Claims: If you haven’t previously filed a claim for a service-connected disability, we can guide you through the entire process, ensuring all necessary documentation is gathered and submitted.
  • Increased Rating Claims: If your disability has worsened, or the VA assigned you a lower rating than you believe is accurate, we can help you file an increased rating claim.
  • New Evidence Claims (Supplemental Claims): If you have new medical evidence that supports your service connection, we can file a supplemental claim to have your disability rating reevaluated.

Appealing a Denied Claim

If your initial claim is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. The VA claims process allows for multiple appeal levels. Veterans Benefit Group can represent you throughout the appeals process, including:

  • Request for Decision Review (RDR): An RDR asks a senior reviewer within the VA to re-examine the original decision.
  • Notice of Disagreement (NOD): An NOD initiates a formal appeal process with a Veterans Law Judge at the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA).
  • Appeal to the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC): If your claim is denied at the BVA level, we can help you appeal to the CAVC, the highest court specializing in veterans’ benefits.

Evidence Gathering for VA Claims

A strong claim hinges on comprehensive evidence that proves your service connection. Veterans Benefit Group can assist with gathering the following:

  • Medical Records: Military and private medical records documenting your disability and its treatment are crucial.
  • Nexus Letter: We can help you obtain a nexus letter from a qualified medical professional linking your disability to your military service.
  • Service Records: Military records can establish your service history, deployments, and potential exposures.
  • Buddy Statements: Statements from fellow veterans who can corroborate your service experiences and the development of your disability are valuable.

Contact Veterans Benefit Group Today

If you are a veteran with a service-connected disability, don’t hesitate to seek the compensation you deserve. Contact Veterans Benefit Group today for a free consultation. We are committed to helping veterans win their VA disability claims and appeals.