Marine veterans who were stationed, lived or worked at Camp Lejeune before 1987 may have been exposed to contaminants in the drinking water supply. The Department of Veterans Affairs is recommending all those who believe they were at Camp Lejeune before 1987 to register to receive notifications regarding Camp Lejeune Historic Drinking Water.

The Department of the Navy is funding independent research studies to ascertain what effects, if any, the drinking supply had on individuals. At this time, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is conducting a study to determine if certain illnesses are linked to exposure to contaminated drinking water. The results are expected to be complete in late 2011.

For the past several years, the Marine Corps has worked on reaching out to those it believes may have lived or worked at Camp Lejeune before 1987. To date, more than 155,000 names are in the Registry.

Detailed information about this can be found at